A collection of resources as a possible starting point…
Disclaimer — The following are all resources that have helped me, they are not paid endorsements.
Books on Somatic Experiencing
Peter Levine developed Somatic Experiencing and has written many books on it’s origins and his approach.
‘ Waking the Tiger’
‘In and Unspoken Voice’
‘Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes’
Gina Ross MFCC, senior SEP Educator, and founder of the International Trauma Institute has many books aimed specifically at different sectors of our communities
’Beyond the Trauma Vortex into the Healing Vortex’, based on her Ross Method
The specific books are for General Public, Medical Professionals, The Media, Psychology and Education, Diplomats and NGO’s and Military and can be purchased at beyondthetraumavortex.com
Books Recommended for Practitioners
‘Nurturing Resilience’, by senior SEP educator Kathy L Kain and co-authored by Stephen J. Terrell — more a text book for Practitioners helping clients with developmental trauma.
‘Polyvagal Theory in Therapy’, by Deb Dana
‘ The Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory', by Stephen W. Porges
The Life Work of Dawna Markova Ph.D.
A few titles to begin your introduction to her work:
‘How Your Child IS Smart’.
‘Reconcilable Differences’ ( Co-authored with Angie McCarthur)
‘Collaborative Intelligence’ ( same)
Dr. Markova’s life’s work has been devoted to helping people understanding learning styles, mind talents and unique, myriad intelligences. Starting as an educator she helped frequently misunderstood smart children navigate traditional learning environments. She offers an alternative filter through which to view ADHD and in her consulting and more adult books applies her model to helping co-workers understand and collaborate more compassionately.
Gina Ross is also an excellent resource who can occasionally do one on one session work, is a senior SE faculty member, is multilingual and is driven to disseminate her message via her myriad books and international workshops. By using SE as a foundation
Nutritional Supplements I like
I have been using Mind Magic for a few months to support my ADHD symptoms to increase productivity and I personally find that it helps me. I am not paid to say this.
Micro-dosing with non-psychoactive supplements for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD
I have a very sensitive system and traditional micro-dosing (usually associated with psilocybin) is too strong for my system. To learn more about companies whose products I have beta-tested and use regularly you are welcome to search these links and by all means tell them I sent you. MOST IMPORTANTLY please consult with your physician before trying any of these.
Social Network Resources
@traumahealing.org — The Somatic Experiencing International Instagram page
Instagram resources I appreciate though do not know personally :
@awakenwithally — Ally is an SEP with excellent breakdowns on trauma and the Nervous System.
@createthelove — Mark Groves, for relationship and co-dependency recovery Mark Groves
@thesecurerelationship — Julie Menanno from The Secure Relationship offers great compassionate frames and relationship scripts for attachement styles
Somatic Experiencing Resources
Somatic Experiencing International — Here you can find SEP’s in your area, learn about workshops and trainings and read research and articles about SE.
Ergos Institute — Peter Levine’s website
Books and Approaches I Enjoy
I tend to trust people who have mapped similar territory to me in the trauma healing field. I found at the start of my healing and still find that traditional meditation techniques to be very challenging with my level of ADHD and C-PTSD.
I enjoy Worthy Stokes’ work and offerings and her book ‘The Mindfulness Creativity Journal’ is a gentle and loving entry point. A few samples of her work and media presence are:
INSIGHT TIMER — Intro To HeartMind Aligned For Life Purpose
INSIGHT TIMER — HeartMind Aligned: Connect With Your Life Purpose